That night we left to go to my sisters house for our annual New Years Eve Party. This is when we have our family Christmas. We have food, presents, games. It's just a lot of fun!! I'm thankful this year to be able to be here. The last several years we have missed it!! Garrett got so much fun stuff!!
Garrett and I headed outside to shovel. I didn't have a little shovel so I gave Garrett a broken swiffer and let him use that. It actually worked great and Garrett loved being able to help!! He is such a great helper for me!! I shoveled first and then Garrett came behind to pick the rest up. It was a great system!! I then got out the bubbles to do the bubble test. The temperature outside was about 5 degrees. Unfortunately it didn't work well. The bubbles after you popped them were sort of stringy but that was it. Garrett had fun chasing them and blowing his own bubbles :) Then we made our snow angels :) The first one is Garrett's and mine is the next one. He did a pretty good job!! Grandma was inside making hot chocolate for us so we decided it was time to head in. So yummy!! That night we left to go to my sisters house for our annual New Years Eve Party. This is when we have our family Christmas. We have food, presents, games. It's just a lot of fun!! I'm thankful this year to be able to be here. The last several years we have missed it!! Garrett got so much fun stuff!! We had so much fun, but my favorite part was playing the seran wrap ball game. It was a blast!! Definitely a fun thing to do with the family :) We ended the night with the ball dropping and ringing in the new year. Here's to ending 2017 and having a great 2018!!
July 2021