Gallup has no shortage of alcoholics in their town. Today was the first day I felt uncomfortable here.....we were on our way out of Garrett's class and headed across the street to get into the car. I did have Sassy with me and she was in the back seat waiting for me to put Garrett in. I got Garrett in his seat and no sooner did I get into my seat when I noticed a gentlemen approaching the car. I immediately locked the doors because I hadn't even had a chance to start it yet. He approached the passenger side first and you could tell he had been drinking. He said something to me and I told him I didn't have anything to give him. At that point I started the car. While doing that he approached the drivers side. I then told him he needed to move or I was going to call the police. Thankfully that deterred him enough to move back to the sidewalk and I left. Made me really start to think of what I would have done had he not moved or done something else. I really need to look into a conceal carry class. I know Tim has been mentioning it for years and with us traveling I'm thinking we really need to do this!!
Stupid dog was absolutely no help, she didn't even bark!! This was how she was sitting......she did make up for it at a later date but you will have to wait for that......