Now I'm going to get on a soapbox.....
About 1 week later we heard back from the insurance company. Unfortunately the other person had let their insurance lapse and we would have to pay the deductible because the other person did in fact not have insurance. WTF!!!!!! I was pissed. Why are people so stupid to not have insurance, and why are they driving without it? Needless to say I contacted the DMV to see what could be done about this because in the state of Ohio it is a law. They said I could fill out some information and send it in and if what I said proved to be true they would have their licenses suspended and would not be able to re-instate their license until they made restitution. The person driving the vehicle as well as the owner of the vehicle. So needless to say, this information will be getting sent in.
Thankfully none of us was hurt in this accident. I wish people would think though, and get off their phones!! I'm almost 99.9% sure this woman was on her phone when she hit us. She was looking down at something and I'll never forget the look on her face as she looked up and realized she was about to hit us. Thankfully Garrett wasn't with us, and I've already replaced his car seat with a new one.
I just wish people would pay better attention when driving, make sure you have insurance and just be good people in general. Is it really that hard??