We left Tucson about 11:30 and headed to Phoenix. For the first time on a trip we were without our RV. It felt weird to be going down the interstate and passing other cars, LOL. It took us about 2 hours to get to Tim's dads house and he had a Tai Chi Program that he was going to be in so we at 3:00 we headed to the Program to watch. Was very interesting if you have never been.
Got home after eating Chinese for dinner and put Garrett to bed in his pack n play. Hopefully he will sleep pretty good tonight since he doesn't have his crib. The adults decided to watch a movie and decided on Captain Phillips with Tom Hanks. Wow what a great movie!! I highly recommend this if you haven't seen it before.
Here are some pictures of Garrett and Tim playing together. The boy likes to be rough so when he starts getting that way I give him to his father, LOL!!