Suprisingly, none of us are suffering very much from it. Garrett has had a little runny nose and Tim a bit of a sore throat but that is it. Huge thanks to my parents for getting me allergy shots when I was a kid, I can't imagine what I would have been like!! Here is an example of what we are dealing with.....and it is in, on, over everything. Yuck!!
We purchased a new fan for the bathroom (the other stopped working) with a fantastic vent to place over top of it. Tim has to get up on the roof and clean and put on the durabond tape. We also have to check the seals and tires as well, and it needs a MAJOR bath!! Not to mention what I need to do to the interior. We usually go through the RV twice a year to see if we can get rid of anything that we don't use any longer. For us weight is a big issue and if there are things we don't use or grow out of we don't want to carry the extra weight around with us.
Thankfully this weekend coming up Tim has off 4 days in a row to allow us to get most of it done :)