There are two different areas to this park. One is to the East and the other to the West. Today we visited the Western section. We got to drive on some back roads which we all loved including the dog, LOL. We haven't done any hiking but will definitely be fitting some in before we leave. They told us the best time to come out to see any wildlife on the drive is early AM before it starts getting too hot or later in the afternoon when it starts to cool down. They also had a spot in the visitor center where you could touch some of the items from the desert. They had a skinned Coyote, a Javalina skull, a tortoise shell and numerous other items. So Garrett got to do some feeling while in the visitor center that he really enjoyed. I love watching him get to try new things, his little eyes just light up.
We left a little early since Tim has a cold that he can't seem to get rid of so we came back to the RV where him and Garrett took an afternoon nap and I went up and did some laundry. It was a great day together as a family!!