This morning we headed out to ride a train and go to a pumpkin patch. We stopped first at Elmer's for Breakfast in Klamath Falls. They had really good food and I had my first German Pancake. I have never had one before and it was pretty good. They had butter and sugar on top. Definitely a good way to start out the day. Garrett enjoyed eggs, some of my German Pancake, and some of Tim's Biscuits and Gravy. The boy definitely can pack away the food. On to Klamath and Western Railroad in Chiloquin to ride the train to the pumpkin patch. The sky was a bit overcast but the lake was still pretty and some of the leaves here are beginning to change now. We arrived at the railroad around 10:30 this morning. Wow what a neat place. Heading to the Train Rides :) They have all kinds of activity areas for the kids to play at as well as real train cars to look at. We had a great time looking around at all the neat areas for the kids. Garrett is still a little small to really enjoy some of these areas but the kids who were old enough looked like they were having a really good time. He loves to have his picture taken :) Watching the train pull away from the station. They had a book to sign your name and to say where you were from. Looks like we may be the farthest away, most everyone was from Oregon and California. These are not your normal size trains. It was so neat to see something this little and get to ride it. We were watching this one pull into the station to drop off it's load. A train set for the kids to play with. The concession stand. We got our tickets $2 per pumpkin and then got in line for the train. The train is free to ride and they do accept donations. Here we are waiting patiently for the train. They had this electric train station set up for the kids to watch. Garrett liked looking at it while we were waiting in line. This was a very kid friendly place!! A new train pulling into the station. Waiting in line. EEK a spider!! Didn't make this train....maybe the next one!! Rules for riding the train. Here comes another train. Will this be ours? Nope, have to wait for the next one. Garrett did so good waiting in line!! Here comes our train, woohoo!! All aboard!! Garrett gets to sit with Daddy during the ride :) Explaining the rules, and off we go ;) The train ride to the pumpkin patch was really neat. They had little houses and figurines along the way with a Halloween theme. Garrett really seemed to be enjoying himself and was taking in all of the scenery. He is such an observant little guy. Finding the perfect pumpkins!! I think Garrett likes what we found. Getting ready to watch the train come through the tunnel. Getting ready to board the train for our trip back. This time we get to go through a tunnel. This was a really neat experience!! I think Garrett likes his pumpkins :) This was a wonderful time. We highly recommend this to anyone coming to this area. The train ride was excellent and they were so kid friendly. Garrett had a blast and to do all the activities and the pumpkins we only paid $4. You can't beat that for a morning filled with fun!! After we were done with the train we headed to Pheasant Fields Farm in Medford to their Pumpkin Patch. They have hay rides, an animal exhibit and a huge pumpkin patch. The ride to Medford was so beautiful. The leaves were just starting to turn. So pretty!!! After arriving to the farm we headed over to the animal exhibit first. They had chickens, sheep, goats and some bunnies. Here Garrett is watching the chickens. Watching the bunnies and sheep. The goat was a little more friendly and came right over to Garrett to let him pet her. She was sniffing his hand. Petting the goat. He really enjoyed it. Some other kids came over and Garrett was more interested in them than the goat, LOL. Back to being focused on the goat. We then headed over to get our tickets for the Hayride. This was such a neat setup that they had. They had a corn maze, hayrides, hay bales to slide down. All kinds of fun stuff for the family. On the way to the barn they had really pretty flowers along the path. We made it to the hayride area. Garrett had fun crawling around and trying to put the hay in his mouth. I will be happy when the phase of everything going in his mouth passes, sigh... Here comes the tractor. Patiently waiting for the other riders to unload. Getting on the hayride. Garrett did great and really enjoyed it. I'm glad that he isn't afraid of riding on things. There was a little girl about his age that was petrified and cried the whole time. I felt so bad for her and the mom. Our little guy had a great time and was trying to talk to the owner of the farm who was giving a narrated tour. Taking a family selfie, LOL During the hayride the owner mentioned that his wife made her homemade goodies each night so we decided to stop at the barn and pick up some cookies. Garrett and I had Oatmeal Toffee and Tim had Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter. Boy were they good!! We left the farm around 5 pm and decided to go to Red Lobster for dinner. Garrett has always eaten the crayons we've tried to give him, but tonight he actually was coloring with them. He ate like a champ and really liked their biscuits!! It was still a little bit light out when we left so we decided to head to Ashland to see if we could get some pictures. By the time we headed into town it was getting too dark. We are coming back in two weeks to go to their children's museum so hopefully they will still be in color. We had a great day today and Garrett was so good for all of it. He is getting to be so much fun!!
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July 2021