So where are we going you ask, Klamuth Falls, Oregon. So excited, the area looks so beautiful. Plus another state to our map, woohoo!! Crater Lake National Park is an hour north of where we are staying and it looks like there will be plenty to do to keep our time busy. Looks like there is only 1 hospital in the area and it is about a 175 bed hospital, level III so not too big. I can't wait to see grass and trees again, LOL!! The town has about 20,000 people so not too big and the parks look like they are very nice. It is out in the middle of no-where but after being in a big city we are looking forward to a small town atmosphere. So only about a month left here in Tucson and I am sure that is going to go by very quickly.
Garrett will have his first birthday in Oregon. We have been thinking of ways we can help him to celebrate his first birthday since there will only be the three of us. I think we may go up to Crater Lake on the 3rd and then have birthday cake and ice cream on the 4th with some streamers and balloons. Maybe start a tradition where we go to a National Park for each of his birthdays. I'm open to any suggestions anyone has. Can't believe my little guy is almost a year old.