Morning time = play time fun with his cousins while Grandma watched :) Each day I took a different kid with us on an adventure. Today was Jordans day. He is closest to age to Garrett and I think they had a great time together! I know Grandma was really enjoying being able to explore the area. First stop.....lunch! Our drive today was to head along the coast of Maine as far as we could. Saw so many beautiful things and of course we had to make several stops along the way. I think my Mom really enjoyed it! Grandma loves her grandkids! I sure do love my Mom! Silly boys!! We had fun exploring, stopping to take pictures of the many beautiful things along our way! Low tide. Lets stop and see what we can find! Grandma stayed behind in the car. Jordan found this cool shell. He was going to take it home and keep it, but unfortunately not very long after his brother found it and broke it :( Grandma was waving to us as we headed back up to the car. We stopped for dinner and made our way home. Was such a fun day!!
July 2021