We got back on the road and got to the boarding place to pick up Sassy right around 2 pm in Rapid City. She was sooo happy to see us!! We took her to the dog park to run around for a bit before heading home to Chadron. The next day Tim had to work so Garrett and I spent most of it outside. Garrett found a little green bug that he put on his arm. Garrett woke up the next morning playing with his bears while I got ready so we could head to the laundromat. Lots of clothes to wash after tent camping!! Heading to the Farmers Market this Saturday morning with Teresa. Spent the rest of the day playing outside. His favorite was probably playing with the dogs! He is so funny!! We ended the night watching Mary Poppins Returns movie. He loved all the singing and dancing!! So happy these 2 dogs get along so well. BFF's forever!! They play so hard outside they are exhausted when they come in!! Playing a counting board game with Garrett. Today is a math day for us. After school we headed outside to play. He was really happy!! Naughty boy knows better than riding a bike with no helmet or shoes...... Pretending he's a fireman with suspenders ;) He's gotten really good at finding bugs!! Today was a bee as well. Today was July 23 and it rained most of the day so we spent it inside. I don't know why rain always makes us so tired. Garrett put himself down for a nap! July 24, today Dad was off of work. We played outside a lot today. Everything from using the squirt gun on the dogs, to flying a kite with dad!! Funny thing was the dogs actually liked getting squirted. Garrett chillin at Teresa's trailer. Can't tell he's comfortable or anything can you, LOL!! This morning Garrett woke up saying he had a really bad belly ache. He woke up around 6 am and the whole time until around 1 pm he kept saying it was hurting and crying. The area he was pointing to was where his appendix is and we didn't want to tempt fate so we took him into the Urgent Care at the hospital here. They ran some tests, took some blood and everything came back negative which we were thankful for. He continued with the belly ache for the rest of the day poor little man :( One thing the doctor told us to do next time was to have him jump up and down. If he isn't in extreme pain doing that than it probably isn't his appendix. The next day I kept him inside since he was still running a fever. Mostly a movie day marathon with Mom and playing with some playdough.
July 2021