First thing we had to do was watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!! Was a little too long for Garrett and he ended up playing with his toys instead.
For Thanksgiving we headed over to see Tim's family in Painted Post, NY. Was so good to see everyone and meet Lynnette's (our sister in law's) family as well. First thing we had to do was watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!! Was a little too long for Garrett and he ended up playing with his toys instead. Everyone starting to arrive. Garrett was curious about Aiden, Lynnette's Grandson. He hasn't been around kids this small but he did great. The little guy was so cute!! Getting ready to sit down to eat. Tim put the camera up in different positions to get the different angles. Yes, Tim's mom drinking straight from the bottle ;) We really enjoyed our Thanksgiving Dinner, huge thanks to Tim's mom and everyone else who helped prepare and make things for our dinner. It was so nice to be with family during the holidays!! Cleaning up and playing with the kids!! We had a great time, but alas it was time for some of them to go on to their next destination :( Enjoying our time talking with family!! Bailey getting love from her Aunt Lynnette :) Garrett rough housing with Uncle Scott!! What a great Thanksgiving!! We are so thankful to be able to be here during this time and spending it with Tim's family.
July 2021