I remember Easter's as a child. The night before my mother would give us our baths and would put our hair in curlers. The next morning we would get up and our Easter Baskets would be waiting for us to open. We would then get ready for church, I remember going and having pancakes for breakfast every year. This was one of the days my father would always attend church with us so it was extra special for me. We would go with my Grandma Bancroft who lived next door. Later on we would go to my Grandpa and Grandma Amon's house where we would get our Easter Baskets from them and have Easter dinner together. So Easter was always important in our house and special for me.
Tim had to work today so Garrett and I spent our time together around the RV. We didn't get him an Easter Basket this year because he is too little and really can't have candy. So instead I bought him a book. I hope he enjoys it for many years it's a Busy Bug Book and has a track that you put the bug on and it follows the track on the book. It was really neat. I purchased it at the Fulltime Families Convention that we went to and the one that they had out was a big hit with all the kids so I figured Garrett would really enjoy it.