July 14 - Today Garrett and I headed out this morning to get some groceries at Walmart. It is supposed to storm almost the whole day today so we won't be going to the pool today. While we were in Walmart it poured outside.
We did head down to the playground for about 30 minutes until the storms showed up. Looks like today is going to be mainly an indoor day for us :)
July 16 - Today Garrett has officially finished Kindergarten. My Fathers World curriculum has been amazing this year. We will continue to use My Fathers World when we start up 1st grade in the Fall. I'm so proud of how hard he worked for me this school year. To celebrate we got him a haircut. Just kidding, LOL. But he did get a hair cut. We officially have a First Grader now :)
I told Garrett after dinner I would take him down to the pool, but then it stormed and they had locked the pool up. So he played at the playground instead. A couple of kids to play with tonight :)
Sounds like lots of people pulling in the RV park late tonight. Sassy isn't quite sure what to make of it, but she sure doesn't like all of the talking outside our door!!