We also self scheduled for his work out to the end of May. At the end of April we will be heading to California for a week to get Tim's license information for that state. He has to get fingerprints, etc and if we go there to do they say it is much quicker to get the license. I'm excited as I have family in California that I haven't seen for many years. Plus both Garrett and Tim have never been to the Pacific Ocean so it will be a first for both of them.
I also ordered our map that we are going to put on the RV to show what states we have been through. We are going to start it from Garrett's birth so that means right now we have officially gone through 8 states. We will be adding 2 more end of April which will be Nevada and California. On Saturday we are going to get pictures taken of Garrett and then to the Post Office to apply for his passport.
Tomorrow we are heading to the town of Tombstone here in Arizona and are taking the scenic route to get there. I'm so excited I'm sure it will be a blast!!!