We stopped off in a little town along the way to eat lunch. We usually look up the menu before we stop anywhere to make sure they have the right stuff for our needs and this place had some good salads to choose from so we stopped. BAD CHOICE!! We walked in and I picked out my salad. I gave them Garrett's order and then told them which salad I would like. She said I'm sorry we've not made any salads today and sold out of them yesterday so we have no salads available. Tim looked at me and said we can go up the road to somewhere else. I knew Garrett and Tim were both hungry so I said no, that I could choose something else. 1st mistake......I chose a chicken salad sandwich with no bread put on a leaf of lettuce instead. Since Tim is on maintenance he chose the Lobster Roll. He specifically asked the women at the register if any of our meals came with fries and she said no, so he ordered a small fry for Garrett's meal as well, 2nd mistake. We then took our drinks and went to sit at a table. We waited about 20 minutes and they brought out our meals to us. Everything looked good, except for the fact that Tim's meal had a heaping plate of fries next to his sandwich. What the heck? So now we had a ton of fries we knew we weren't going to eat. We probably should have taken Garrett's fries back up and asked for a refund since Tim specifically asked, but we didn't. Garrett had grilled cheese and seemed to be enjoying his meal. So I bit into my chicken salad sandwich on lettuce and OMG, it was AWFUL!! Worst sandwich I've eaten in a long time. I took two bites, looked at Tim and said I'll eat one of my fuelings instead. Tim's sandwich roll was so big and they put about 1/4 of lobster meat on it so he removed one of the rolls and only ate the lobster meat and 1/2 that roll. It was bad......I'm not usually one to complain but this place was horrible. Needless to say a lot of food was wasted that day. We should have just asked for our money back but we finished what we could and left. Tim left a poor review on Yelp but I never took a picture of the restaurant so I don't have the name of it.
We left and stopped at a gas station to get diesel and were on our way again. We made it to Sam's Club about 12:30 and went inside to get our tires. Tim told them what he wanted and checked out $900 to replace all four tires on the truck. $300 cheaper than what I budgeted, woohoo!! It didn't take them long to get them on and they had picnic tables outside for us to sit on since we had Bailey with us. Tim and Garrett went down to watch them do the tires and I sat at a picnic table and worked. It's great that I can do the business from anywhere. Getting America healthy one person at a time :) They finished up about a hour later and we were on our way again.
We weren't on the interstate long before we felt it........shaking. Oh no!! They said they balanced the tires, but it was very obvious they didn't do a good job of it. Ugh!! Tim said we would be ok until we head home so we continued on. This state is so beautiful!! Some of the trees were changing so we did get to see a little color while we were there :)
Back on our way. I don't know when we officially entered into Maine as there wasn't any signs saying welcome to Maine. I'm sure there was one on the highway but we were on a back road. So pretty!!