We got our new mattress yesterday and it was heaven sleeping on it last night!! The mattress that came with the RV is what we have been sleeping on and it was getting a little saggy in the middle so we decided to get a new one. You have to be careful when purchasing an RV mattress because the mattress in the RV is shorter than your normal mattress at home. We ordered ours off of Amazon and so far so good!! Our mattress that came with the RV was originally 6" in width to sleep on, when we took it out last night it was down to about 3" so not a lot of cushion in between. Our new mattress is a memory foam and is 10" so a lot more cushion in between. Most people know that I am short so getting into bed last night was lets just say a challenge... I think I may need one of those doggy steps, LOL!!
We have a grey cat that is under our neighbors RV. It has come up to me on several occasions and came up to Garrett and I yesterday when we were outside. Well last night I heard this meowing and it was very close. I only had the screen door shut so you could see through the door. Well this cat was standing on the top step of the RV looking through our door meowing at me. Now don't forget we have Bailey our Giant Schnauzer who at the time was snoozing on our bed in our bedroom. Of course as soon as Bailey heard that meowing she made a beeline for the door and the cat ran off. But do you think our dog barked or growled at this cat? No she started crying for it. Geesh, what kind of dog is this crying for a cat?
As far as I am concerned this cat can stay around as long as he likes. I've seen some pack rats out where they keep the stored RV's here so if he can keep those animals away from my RV I'm all for keeping him around!!
My sister posted the other day about what her bucket list is, so that got me to thinking about what my bucket list. So make sure you tune in to tomorrow's blog. I'm going to write out my bucket list for all to see and let you know what I have already accomplished off of my list.
My picture is going to be an older picture that was taken of the women in our family. I miss my Grandma dearly she was the epitome of what Easter should be about year round!! I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter tomorrow and remember what the real reason is that we are celebrating!!