We started out going to Sams Club for gas, then to the Salvation Army to drop off some additional items that we no longer need. I then headed to Saguaro National Forest to the Visitor Center since I wanted to get the Passport to your National Parks Explorer Edition. This book shows all of the National Parks we will be able to get into with our Annual Pass and we can also have our book stamped at each location. I've taken pictures of each area in the book so you can get an idea of how many parks you can go to with the Annual Pass if you get it. For us it was a no brainer since we are traveling so much.
After leaving the Visitor Center Garrett and I headed to Applebee's for some lunch. While there I gave him some of my Broccoli Soup and he liked it so much he kept grabbing my hand to give him more. I think he is going to learn that word quickly!! More, More. He is such a good boy for me. We finished up our shopping and finally got back to the RV around 3:30 where he went down for a nap. Was a good day and got a lot done. Will be happy when we can get Tim's motorcycle from home so he will be able to drive that and leave me with the truck!! Will be nice to leave when I want to or go to the zoo or museum on a rainy or too hot day :)