That evening Tim and Garrett decided to take a bike ride while I went to do laundry. Well I went to start the car and it wouldn't turn over. Not only did it not turn over, but it also would not give me back my key. So I had to call Tim back from his bike ride so he could jump the car. I switched all of the laundry over to the truck and headed up to the laundromat. Looks like we will be buying a new battery tomorrow!!
Thursday was our Gallup Home-school Potluck. Tim and Garrett went to take showers at the bathhouse when Tim realized Garrett had a flat tire on his bike. So needless to say they had to park the bikes and walk over. Garrett was NOT happy!!
I had made a Broccoli Salad to take and we headed over to the park around noon. It was so fun meeting all of the other parents who also home-school and it will be good to network with some of them. Unfortunately, while we were talking all of a sudden you could hear a kid crying. We were trying to figure out what was going on when one of the older kids said a little one had gotten their arm stuck. I started listening a little better and realized it was Garrett. Tim, myself and one of the other dads ran down to help. I have no idea how this child gets himself in some of these predicaments!! Thankfully Tim was there to help get him out. Later on Tim mentioned he was glad he hadn't slipped and fallen off because we would have probably been going to the hospital for a broken arm instead. Ugh!! This is why I have gray hair!! After we were finished eating and just talking with some of the other parents Tim received a call from the Hospital. They were needing him to come in. Apparently an accident with a semi and bus had occurred and they were needing help in the ER. So he went and got Garrett and we headed back to the RV so he could change and go into work.
I just have to say that I'm really proud of my husband and the other nurses, doctors, technicians, secretaries and anyone else that stepped up and helped during this tragic time. It sounds like the front tire blew on the semi truck and it came over in the bus lane and hit the bus head on. As of today 8 people have lost their lives and many others lives will forever be changed. I will continue to pray for these families and all people that were impacted by this tragic day.
That evening Tim and Garrett got to work to take the tire off his bike. Garrett of course loved this part!!
Today was also a bittersweet day for us as our house is now officially sold and is someone's else's house. In a way it feels like a huge burden has been lifted off of our shoulders. We've made the decision that we will once a year go back to our home state, Tim will work for 8 weeks fully taxed which will also take care of the requirement of being home for 30 days a year. This will take care of the 2 of the 3 tax laws which is what is required. We are also contemplating of where we actually want to be. Florida is continuing to be at the top of our list!!
Goodbye house. It was a great 18 years!!
Saturday Garrett and I got up and headed out to run several errands. The weather today was supposed to be 75. Well......that didn't happen!! We got Walmart, and Payless done and went to Burger King for lunch when it started raining. The temp dropped down to 52 degrees....I had both of us in shorts :( Oops!! After Burger King I dropped off several items at Goodwill, stopped at Walgreens and then headed to Albertson's for groceries. It continued to rain the whole time and it was COLD!! Oh my goodness I felt like the worst mom in the world. My poor kid was freezing!! Needless to say I hurried along and got everything done and we eventually did make it back to the RV. Poor Garrett!! He really was excellent for me all day long, even in the cold and rain!!
Tim had to work again tonight, left his book bag at home so we ended up taking it to him at work. Garrett enjoyed seeing where his daddy works. We got home watched a movie and called it a night.
At around 5 am the next day(Sunday) I could hear someone outside our RV. We have rocks that we are parked on and you can hear someone walking on them. It woke me up from a dead sleep. Next thing I know I hear them on my steps and they tried to open the door of the RV. Thankfully I had the door locked and they left after they tried. I don't know if it was someone who accidentally had the wrong RV or what. But I told Tim we really need to consider getting a firearm and a concealed carry permit for the both of us. I always felt so much safer when we had our dog. Maybe it's time to get another one!!
Needless to say after that I wasn't going back to I got up, had coffee, and waited for Garrett to wake up. This morning we had church, went out for lunch, grabbed some items I needed to make Tim's zucchini bread that he will be taking in to work for his Labor Day carry in. I came home and started making the bread. I've got 5 loaves of bread done. Tim will be taking in 2 for his work, him and Garrett have already started eating one. The other 2 will go in the freezer for when we go tent camping as this will be what we have for our breakfast.
Has been a pretty hectic week now that I look back on it. Hopefully this week slows down a little more as tomorrow we have another fun week of home-schooling, sports, and other fun activities. Not to different than what you have in a house :)